
Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Welcome Spring, thanks for coming!

"You can't beat Wellington on a good day...."

This is a slightly over used musing about the fine city in which I live. It is true of course. This place is glorious, and today on the first day of spring dear old Wellington put on a great display. True bliss. I got to send the day in the backyard working on a huge crane order, listening to tui's battle it out in the kowhai tree and watching my glorious little two year old neighbour frolic about in nothing but her sun hat. It could almost make you forget the umbrella annihilating winds and horizontal rains of late!

My little friend, Amelie (the aforementioned two year old). is mighty keen on getting hold of my rather large and fragile camera, so I wasn't able to snap away in the garden today, but these pictures set the mood!

1 comment:

kelly louise said...

I am a young creative from Wellington currently living in Germany with a 5 month old bean. A super cool Aunt gave us one of your singlets and I love it! One day I will buy loads of your stuff. I think you are a huge inspiration, and this winter will embark on some sewing endeavours of my own.
